2022 Student Discovery Zone Competition
Since it began in 2011, the Student Discovery Zone at the AZBio Awards has showcased over 1,000 research posters created by Arizona students.
Students submit a poster and a 2-minute YouTube Video explaining their research process and findings. Their submissions are scored by professionals in the Arizona life science community. Students with accepted posters/videos are invited to attend the AZBio Awards and display their posters. They also compete for scholarship prizes that support their ongoing studies.
Student videos are provided below. Join us at the 2022 AZBio Awards to meet our student innovators.
High School Students
Niharika Abbaraju
AZ College Prep High School
A Novel Approach: Diagnosing, Quantifying and Tracking the Progression of Inflammation-Causing Skin Diseases Using Handheld Optical Reflectance Spectrophotometry
Vishruth Anand
Hamilton High School
Estimating Hippocampal Subfield Volume in Typical and Atypical youth
Savannah Botello
Cibola High School
Comparison of Struvite and Chlorella vulgaris Solution to Phosphorus Water Pollution
Riana Chatterjee
Mountain Ridge High School
A Review On The Impact Of Caregiving Mechanisms On Postpartum-Induced Hormones Influencing Opioid Use
Tej Desai
Paradise Valley High School
Use of the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center Data to Examine Normative Cognitive Aging
Baochan Fan
Hamilton High School
Self-Disinfecting High-Performance Facemask Based on Biomaterial Coated Nanofibers
Hannah Feinberg
BASIS Tucson North
Molecular Modeling Guided Drug Design
Benjamin Gerber
University High School
Modeling Rhodopsin Activation Utilizing Molecular Dynamics and Electronic Structure Methods
Alex, Andre, and Nick
Alex Kroumov, Andre Glukhovskiy, Nick Sobolev
AZ College Prep Highschool
Natural Termite Control: A Novel Biomolecular Approach
Keona Kuo
University High School
Filamentation of the Glycolytic Enzyme Human Phosphofructokinase-1 Liver Isoform
Renee Li
BASIS Tucson North
Modeling Rhodopsin Activation Using Molecular Dynamics and Electronic Structure Methods
Jared Matheson
University High School
Retinal Microglia Morphology and Distribution in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet for 18 Weeks
Joyeuse Mujambere
Basis Tucson North
Arsenic Hormesis In Caenorhaditis elegans
Diya Nath
AZ College Prep High School
Investigating Connections Between Common Medicines and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Sruti Peddi
BASIS Scottsdale
catarACTION: an Innovative Smartphone-based Tool to Detect Eye Disease
Srishti Rajeev
Paradise Valley High School
Evaluation of Chromosomal Instability in Glioblastoma Multiforme
Ahmad Riyad
AZ College Prep High School
A Biomedically Engineered Approach to Bandages
Maritza Roberts-Padilla
BASIS Tucson North
Isolation and Identification of the Semi-Arid Desert Ecosystem Soil Bacteria of the Saguaro National Park During Pre-Monsoon Season
Akhil Rokkam
BASIS Peoria
Differential Expression of SCN8A in Human iPSC-Derived Neurons During Stages of Differentiation
Reeva Shrestha
BASIS Peoria
Developing an HSP70 Inhibitor to Treat Cancer
Janvi Srivastava
BASIS Scottsdale
DermaTech: A Novel, Non-Invasive Technology to Detect Skin Cancer
University Students
Ahmed Abed Benbuk
Graduate Student
Arizona State University
Passive and Flexible Wireless Stimulator Fabricated on Parylene/PDMS Substrate
Kelsi Petrillo
Graduate Student
University of Arizona
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Brain Function during Dual-Tasking: Application of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Older Adults
Brian Durbin
Grand Canyon University
Testing the Effectiveness of KDM4A Inhibitors on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cell Lines
Nicholas Howell
Arizona State University
Validation of diabetic retinopathy polygenic risk scores and analysis in clinically enriched samples
Ulia Lopatin
Translational Genomics Research Institute(TGen)/Arizona State University(ASU)
The Enrichment of Lung-Derived Extracellular Vesicles as a Potential Biomarker for Lung Disease
Sai Srihaas Potu
Arizona State University - Barrett the Honors College
Middle-aged, gonadectomized rats exposed to chronic corticosterone show sex differences in how they respond to long-term 17beta-estradiol treatment on spatial working memory and depressive-like behavior
Julianne Chania Setiadi
University of Arizona
Polarization Imaging to Identify Disease Features of Gastrinoma
Samantha Mata Robles
Rapid, sensitive detection of PFOA with smartphone-based flow rate analysis utilizing competitive molecular interactions during capillary action
Hasina Shir
University of Arizona
Payton Smith
Northern Arizona University
Comparing Markers of Viral Exposure in Saliva and Blood from SpaceX Donors using PepSeq
Lillian Wu
University of Arizona
“Creating microfluidic co-cultures of cancer spheroids and immune cells to test immunotherapies”
Erik Yost
Grand Canyon University
The Photochemical and Electrical Affects of a Microbial Fuel Cell in Microgravity