According to the American Cancer Society, in 2021, there will be an estimated 41,000 new cases of cancer in Arizona and an estimated 15,580 deaths will result from this disease. For for every new cancer patient diagnosed there will be at least one new cancer caregiver and/or family to care for that patient.
A vast majority of caregivers (85%) care for a relative or other loved one: 42% care for a parent (31% for a mother, 11% for a father); 15% care for a friend, neighbor or another non-relative; 14 % care for a child; 7% care for a parent-in-law; 7% care for a grandparent or grandparent-in-law according to the National Alliance of Caregiving.
The National Alliance of Caregiving reports that family caregivers who reside with those they provide care for spend 40.5 hours each week caring for this person. Those caring for a spouse/partner spend 44.6 hours each week performing caregiving tasks. Those caring for a child under age 18 spend 29.7 hours each week performing caregiving tasks; and
Cancer Caregivers Awareness Week
Arizona Governor, Douglas A. Ducey, has proclaimed the week of November 14 – 21, 2021 as CANCER CAREGIVERS AWARENESS WEEK.
The activities during the week are organized by Arizona Myeloma Network (AZMN) and Cancer CareGiversAZ . These organizations have a shared mission to promote collaboration, awareness, education and advocacy for the improved treatment and quality of life for all cancer patients, their families, and all cancer caregivers.

Jack & Barbara Kavanagh with Dr. Daniel Von Hoff.
(Image by Michael Foley, AZMN)
Arizona Myeloma Network established its Cancer Caregivers Education Program in 2008 which is free and open to all cancer caregivers who are unsupported and under-represented.
Barbara B. Kavanagh is a 30 year Cancer Caregiver for her spouse and is founder and CEO of the Arizona Myeloma Network and Cancer CareGiversAZ. Barbara’s husband Jack is a 30-year cancer survivor of multiple myeloma and the inspiration for the creation of the Arizona Myeloma Network and Cancer CareGiverAZ.
Cancer Care Givers are VIPS
The Community is invited to Celebrate Cancer Caregivers during the 3rd Annual Cancer Caregivers Awareness Week
- Thursday night, November 18th
- 6-9m
- Los Sombreros in Mesa
The event features authentic Mexican Cuisine and other refreshments, a fun Raffle, music and photos.
Los Sombreros is located in the Dobson Plaza located at
1976 W Southern Ave, Mesa, AZ 85202.