Date(s) - 13 Dec 2018 until 14 Dec 2018
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
ASU Memorial Union
Emerging biotechnologies present unique challenges for society. This two-day workshop focuses on community engagement with biosecurity concerns in an applied and practical manner. The goal of this workshop is to foster awareness and to stimulate conversation about the ethical, moral and social implications of biosecurity.
The workshop runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Dec.13, and Friday, Dec. 14.
Arizona State University, Arizona Biosafety Alliance and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are sponsoring the event.
This event may include photography, videography and audio recordings. A photo, video and audio recording release will be provided at the event.
2018 Arizona Biosecurity Workshop
Arizona State University
Memorial Union, Ventana room, Room 241
Tempe, AZ, USA
Register: http://asuevents.asu.edu/2018-Arizona-Biosecurity-Workshop
Cost: Free
Continuing Education: 2.0 points (16 hours – AZBA)
Maximum Capacity: 220 people
Silver Sponsors: ABSA International; Dell; HDR; LiveSafe, ProEm
Bronze Partners: AZBouncePro, BioRAFT, CEM, VWR
ASU Partners
- ASU Biodesign Institute
- ASU Environmental Health and Safety
- ASU Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
- ASU School for the Future of Innovation in Society
- ASU School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
- ASU School of Life Sciences
If you have any questions about the workshop, please contact David Gillum, ASU Director of Biosafety and Biosecurity at David.Gillum@asu.edu.