Moving Life Science Innovations along the path
From Discovery To Development To Delivery

OUR VISION OF THE FUTURE: Arizona is a top-ten life science state.

OUR MISSION: AZBio supports the needs of Arizona’s growing life science ecosystem.

Arizona’s bioscience industry is growing rapidly and reached more than 36,000 jobs spanning 2,912 business establishments in 2021. Industry employment has grown by nearly 22 percent since 2018—twice the growth rate of the nation—with each of the five major subsectors adding jobs during the period. Arizona’s universities conducted $602 million in R&D activities in bioscience-related fields in 2020, fueled in part by steadily increasing NIH awards to Arizona institutions since 2018. Venture capital investments in Arizona bioscience companies increased significantly in 2021, and during the 2018-21 period totaled $565 million. Arizona inventors have been awarded 2,283 bioscience related patents since 2018, among the second quintile of states in patent activity. Read the Report: AZ-BIO2022 - state profile


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Get Connected With Arizona's Bioindustry

A key component in Arizona’s life science ecosystem, the Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio) is the only statewide organization exclusively focused on growing Arizona’s bioscience industry.  

AZBio  Member Organizations in the fields of business, research and education, health care delivery, economic development, government, and other professions involved in the biosciences are the key drivers of the growth of Arizona's life science sector.  As the unified voice of our industry in Arizona, AZBio strives to make Arizona a place where bioscience organizations can grow and succeed.

AZBio works nationally and globally with the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), the Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA), the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), and leading patient advocacy organizations.

Through these relationships, AZBio has access to information, contacts, resources, cost saving programs, and the global bioscience and medtech community.

Success Stories – Good News from Arizona’s BioIndustry

BIO Unveils Strategic Initiative to Speed Scientific Breakthroughs, Develop Cures and Grow the Bio-Economy

“Unleashing the Promise of Biotechnology: Advancing American Innovation to Cure Disease and Save Lives” Provides Roadmap for Transformative Policy Changes WASHINGTON, D.C. (Wednesday, June 29, 2011) – The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) released today a summary of legislative proposals to reform the investment and regulatory environment for biotech innovation. These proposals are designed to unleash […]

AZBio News – June 2011

Biosphere 2 to Have a Permanent Home With the UA New salmonella-based ‘clean vaccines’ aid the fight against infectious disease (ASUBiodesign) BIO Unveils Strategic Initiative to Speed Scientific Breakthroughs, Develop Cures and Grow the Bio-Economy (BIO) International Genomics Consortium contributes to The Cancer Genome Atlas’ detailed ovarian cancer analysis  Findings point to new means of assessing patient […]

Washington Watch: the debt ceiling and deficit debate in DC

There has been a lot of talk about budgets and debt ceilings in Washington this week. The negotiations – now taking place between the President and Congressional leaders are fluid, closely held, and difficult to predict. It does not take a PhD to know that Medicare and Medicaid cuts are on the table. At AZBIO we […]

BIO Praises House Passage of Patent Reform Legislation

Press Release from BIO:  The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act will benefit all sectors of U.S. economy Washington, D.C. (June 23, 2011) – Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) President and CEO Jim Greenwood released the following statement on the passage of The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, H.R. 1249, by the House of Representatives:“Small biotechnology companies rely heavily […]


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