Rays of Hope provides an annual opportunity for survivors, their families, and caregivers to share experiences on their respective roads to recovery. This emotional connection often leads to greater insights about the invisible disability known as brain injury.

Guest Author: Carrie Collins-Fadell, Executive Director of the Brain Injury Alliance, was just named to the Phoenix Business Journal’s Most Admired Leaders class of 2021.
The Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona is proud to announce the 2021 Rays of Hope Survivor and Family Virtual Conference will be held Tuesday, May 25, 2021 from 10am-4pm. There is no charge for this event.
Many of these stories will be on display – literally – in a unique gallery featuring over 400 masks created by survivors as part the organization’s #UnmaskingAZ. The exhibit has been displayed throughout the state and is quite moving.
This year’s Keynote Speaker is Carole Starr. A brain injury survivor herself, she is the founder/facilitator of Brain Injury Voices, a nationally recognized survivor volunteer group. Her presentation is “Weaselience: Handling Life’s Wild Moments.” Featured speakers are licensed clinical neurorehabilitation psychologist Dr. Sherrie All and Abby & TC Maslin, whose experiences as caretaker and survivor offer hope to others.
It’s part of our ongoing mission to promote brain health in the lives of adults and children throughout Arizona. In 2020, despite the pandemic, we were active promoting prevention, advocacy, awareness, and education. Highlights included:
State Opioid Response Team As part of statewide initiative, these experts assist individuals with opioid dependence.
Veterans Navigator This new position was created to specifically address veterans’ issues.
Utility Fund Emergency monies provided a safety net for survivors who need help with utility bills, rent, and payment for storage unites after evictions.
Congressional Brain Injury Task Force Works closely with U.S. Congressional group to further education and awareness of brain injury and supports funding for research.
Domestic Violence Liaison Created this position with a NOVA-certified professional who works with networks to reduce re-victimization.
Brain Health Advisory Council This group of Arizona leaders works to destigmatize brain injuries, promote brain health, and increase brain funding.
The Creative Brain Art Exhibit Virtual galleries were created to present survivors’ artwork in a variety of mixed media.
We have an extremely dedicated team that includes our Board, staff, volunteers, families, caregivers, and of course, partners throughout the community. With brain injury, there’s always more that needs to be done, and we couldn’t do it without everybody’s commitment to providing more free resources, understanding, and erasing the stigma.
Like the rest of the brain injury community, we look forward to this year’s Rays of Hope.
Rays of Hope attendees can register here or contact the Brain Injury Alliance at 888-500-9165 or info@biaaz.org.