Cord Blood Registry Sponsors Landmark Pregnancy Documentary

Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®) announces its sponsorship of 40 Weeks a groundbreaking documentary film that explores the unique path of pregnancy to motherhood. 40 weeks is slated to premier in select markets beginning in December. The film chronicles the struggles and successes of nine diverse women and their families presenting a very intimate portrayal of each stage of pregnancy.40weeks

While pregnancy comes with challenges it also brings one of the greatest experiences of life – having a newborn. When considering the future health of their family the decision to save or donate cord blood is among the most critical choices that expectant parents will make. However most expectant parents are unaware of the medical potential of cord blood stem cells and more than 90% of cord blood is discarded as medical waste. CBR’s role as a partner in the production of 40 Weeks is synergistic with the company’s commitment to provide education and guidance to expectant parents regarding options for cord blood banking and donation.

In order to make an informed decision about their options parents-to-be should learn all they can about current therapies and potential future treatments using cord blood stem cells. Families only have one opportunity to collect cord blood and that is in the moments following birth. Through the lens of 40 weeks CBR strives to promote informed choice and to reach an increasing number of families that may benefit from cord blood banking.

“Learning that my baby’s cord blood stem cells could potentially be used to treat so many different diseases was eye-opening” explains Kelly Balsky one of the expectant mothers featured in 40 Weeks.

Cord blood stem cells have been used in the treatment of more than 80 diseases and disorders such as cancer blood and immune disorders. However additional research is needed to help understand and realize the full potential of cord blood stem cells in stimulating the body’s own repair mechanisms to heal tissues or organs.

“It is very exciting to think about the medical advances that may result from expanded research being conducted with cord blood stem cells” notes Dr. Tiffany Werbin-Silver MD a practicing OB/GYN. “Obstetricians and other health care practitioners serve a primary role in efforts to ensure that cord blood is not discarded as medical waste whether families choose to bank privately or donate publicly” underscores Dr. Werbin-Silver.

CBR encourages all expectant parents as well as their families friends and communities to make an informed decision regarding their option to save donate or discard their newborn’s stem cells. Visit to learn more.

About Cord Blood Registry

Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®) is the world’s largest newborn stem cell company. Founded in 1992 CBR is entrusted by parents with storing more than 500000 cord blood and cord tissue units. CBR is dedicated to advancing the clinical application of newborn stem cells by partnering with leading research institutions to establish FDA-regulated clinical trials requiring CBR processed cord blood for conditions that have no cure today. For more information visit

SOURCE:  Cord Blood Registry


Posted in AZBio News.