AZBio Team Members traveled to our nation’s capitol to meet with our Arizona Congressional Delegation and to share how current policies and proposed laws can help or hinder medtech innovation.

Tom Eisiminger, Jr.. Congressman Juan Ciscomani, and Joan Koerber-Walker
The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), hosted its 2024 SMTA Fly In in Washington D.C. March 5 – 6, 2024. Medtech innovators and advocates from across the country gathered at the organization’s offices on Pennsylvania Avenue for updates on issues that impact the industry’s efforts to advance medical technology in order to achieve healthier lives and healthier economies around the world before visiting Congressional Offices.
The State Medical Technology Alliance (SMTA) is a consortium of state and regional trade associations representing their local medical technology companies. SMTA’s mission is to collectively support the medical technology industry on the local, state and national levels by fostering a collaborative environment through sharing of best practices, promoting the industry, and advocating for public policies that support innovation.
Our Arizona Team:
Thomas Eisiminger, Jr. serves as President, Chief Executive Officer, and on the Board of Directors of Regenesis Medical. He also serves on the AZBio board of Directors and the AdvaMed Board of Directors. Prior to embarking on a successful career in medtech, Tom served our country in the Army for 20+ years and is a decorated combat veteran. A veteran’s advocate, Tom serves as President of the Veterans Medical Leadership Council (VMLC), a Phoenix based non-profit whose mission is to ensure quality medical & mental health care for Veterans and to encourage initiatives that honor the contributions made to the city, state & nation by Veterans and the men and women serving in the U.S. military.
Darbi Gottlieb is a Director of State Government and Regional Affairs at AdvaMed and lives in Arizona. Prior to joining AdvaMed, Gottlieb served as the Director of Policy for Arizona Governor Doug Ducey. As a member of senior staff, she led the governor’s policy team and provided key direction on policy development across the state’s enterprise.
Joan Koerber-Walker is a past president of the SMTA and currently serves as President & CEO of the Arizona Bioindustry Association, Inc. (AZBio), as Chairman of the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation (OTEF), and as a Trustee for AZAdvances. She is advocate for health innovation as both an economic drives and the impact that innovative treatments and cures make in the lives of patients.
“We greatly appreciate the opportunity to share the stories from our Arizona health innovation and patient community with Congressional Members and staff,” shared Eisiminger. “Their insights and guidance on what is happening at the Capitol helps us to better understand the policy process and their willingness to learn about what impacts people in Arizona can help to shape better public policy.”
On this visit, the AZBio Team had an opportunity engage with staff in the offices of Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Senator Mark Kelly
Representative. David Schweikert, Representative Elijah “Eli” Crane, Representative Raul Grijalva, Representative Greg Stanton, Representative Juan Ciscomani, Representative Debbie Lesko, and Representative Paul Gosar, DDS.
“It was wonderful to have the opportunity to see Representatives Juan Ciscomani, Representative Debbie Lesko, Representative David Schweikert, and Representative Greg Stanton during our visit,” shared Koerber-Walker. “We are thankful to them for making time to discuss what is happening on key policy matters and for their work on behalf of the people of Arizona.”
Discussion Highlights
There is exciting work taking place in Arizona’s medtech community and many key policies that affect it. During the Fly In, each office received copies of the AZBio Magazine with stories and commentary on what is happening in our state. Discussions focused on:
- The impact that changes in the R&D Expensing Rules are having on Arizona businesses and the importance of changing back to the previous rule allowing 100% expensing in one year versus the current requirement to expense over 5 years.
- The impact that HR2407 – Nancy Gardner Sewell Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act can have for our seniors.
- Discussing the important Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies Pathway and our concern over delays to publishing the final rule.
- Providing economic data on Arizona’s life science sector
- Sharing information on a new growth catalyst and the current status of the Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund.
- Sharing examples of how the current implementation of the COMPACT Act is impacting Arizona Veterans.
Discussions Continue
AZBio will be back to Capitol Hill on April 15-16, 2024. Contact AZBio if you would like to join us.