Date(s) - 15 Dec 2022
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Phoenix Country Club


The 2022 AZBio Trailblazer Honorees are: Sen. Nancy Barto, Sen. Sonny Borrelli, Sen. Sean Bowie, Sen. David Gowan, Sen. Sine Kerr, Sen. T.J. Shope, Rep. Regina Cobb, DDS , Rep. Daniel Hernandez, Jr., Rep. Amish Shah, MD, and Rep. Justin Wilmeth.
Pursuant to AZBio Policy, complimentary registration to all AZBio events is extended equally to all persons serving and elected-to serve in elected office at the local, state, and federal level on behalf of the people of Arizona and to Arizona Executive Branch, Legislative and Congressional Staff. This courtesy is also extended to candidates registered for upcoming elections.
Join AZBio and members of the Arizona Business and Bioscience Community for a special luncheon to honor our Arizona Legislators and State and Local Elected Officials who have made it possible for the Arizona Bioscience Industry to gain national recognition, build capital infrastructure, and take its place as a leader in both scientific discovery and job growth.
December 15, 2022 — Phoenix Country Club
The AZBio Trailblazer Awards and Legislator Appreciation Luncheon
11:00 Registration and Networking
11:30 Program Begins
- Trailblazer Awards to Arizona Legislators
- Fireside Chat
1:00 Event Concludes
AZBio Trailblazer Honorees:
Each year, AZBio looks back across the legislative session to identify those leaders whose actions and active engagement support the growth of Arizona’s life science and healthcare industry and help to ensure the people of Arizona benefit from its success. Scores are then tallied and the top ten legislative leaders are named the year’s Trailblazers.
The Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio) will honor 10 Arizona Legislators on December 15,2022 for their service to the community and for championing research, education, innovation, the growth of Arizona’s bioscience sector, and for ensuring that Arizona patients benefit from life science innovation. The honorees are recognized by the leaders of Arizona’s bioscience and healthcare community at the 2022 AZBio Trailblazer Awards during a special appreciation luncheon for members, elected officials and legislators.
Congratulations to the 2022 Trailblazers!
- Senator Nancy Barto
- Senator Sonny Borrelli
- Senator Sean Bowie
- Senator David Gowan
- Senator Sine Kerr
- Senator T.J. Shope
- Representative Regina Cobb, DDS
- Representative Daniel Hernandez, Jr.
- Representative Amish Shah, MD
- Representative Justin Wilmeth
AZBio, members of the Arizona business and bioscience community and guests will come together on December 15 2022 for a special luncheon to honor members of the Arizona Legislature and along with the State and Local Elected Officials who have made it possible for the Arizona Bioscience Industry to gain national recognition, build capital infrastructure, and take its place as a leader in both scientific discovery and job growth for the 2022 AZBio Trailblazers Awards and Legislative Luncheon.
Legislators; Elected Officials (Current and Newly Elected): Complimentary
AZBio Members and Partners: $75.00
Non Members: $100.00
Hosted Table: 9 tickets + VIP Guest $750.00
AZBio is able to support these efforts thanks to the support of our community.
Opportunities for Support:
- Leadership Sponsor: $10,000
- Table; On-Stage for award presentations and photos with all legislator honorees, recognition on screen and in program)
- Trailblazer Presenting Sponsor: $5,000
- Introduce Luncheon Presentation; 2 Tables w/ 9 tickets + VIP Guest
- Trailblazer Lunch Sponsor : $2,500
- On Stage Welcome and sponsor recognition; 1 Table w/ 9 tickets + VIP Guest
- Trailblazer Awards Sponsors: $2,000
- On screen sponsor recognition + 1 Table w/ 9 tickets + VIP Guest
- Trailblazer Table Host: $750
- 1 Table w/ 9 tickets + VIP Guest
To sign up for support, click the registration link and pay online or request a invoice.
For a look back at the 2021 Trailblazer Awards, Click Here.
For a look back at the 2019 Trailblazer Awards, Click Here.
For a look back at the 2018 Trailblazer Awards, Click Here.
For a look back at the 2017 Trailblazer Awards, Click Here.
For a look back at the 2016 Trailblazer Awards, Click Here.
For a look back at the 2016 Trailblazer Awards, Click Here.
For a look back at the 2015 Trailblazer Awards, Click Here.
For a look back at the 2014 Trailblazer Awards, Click Here.
For a look back at the 2013 Trailblazer Awards, Click Here.
For a look back at the 2012 Trailblazer Awards, Click Here.
For a look back at the 2011 Trailblazer Awards, Click Here.