Date(s) - 11 Jan 2021 until 13 Jan 2021
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Digital RESI – Three Day Conference Registration
When: January 11 – 13, 2021
Where: resiconference.com
Partnering launches on December 14, 2020.
You will receive the login credentials in a separate email.
*Participants that complete their registration before Monday, December 14, will receive the partnering login information on December 14. Participants who register after December 14 will receive their Partnering login credentials at 6pm Eastern Time on the day they register.
1:1 Partnering Meeting
Digital RESI is a dedicated global partnering event. RESI has the most powerful partnering platform because we can match companies and partners based on stage of development and product fit. The core value is our 1:1 partnering, that RESI has used since 2013. The partnering software is owned and operated by our partner Meeting Mojo, which is implementing a video meeting component embedded in the application. Any RESI attendee can use this video capability to “attend” their scheduled meeting. The challenge for all the attendees will be the geographic time zone issues and that may require some flexibility. Fortunately, being virtual and being able to extend the conference from a one day physical to a three-day virtual conference means more availability to find mutual time slots that will work for both parties.