VC Trends in Healthcare Investing: Current Pulse Check

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Date(s) - 30 Aug 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM


Dive into the insights of leading VC investors as they discuss the current life sciences investment landscape. Panelists will discuss technology-driven convergence and its impact on the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors. Are crossover rounds making a comeback? These VC partners will delve into what is currently driving their investment decisions, what sectors they’re interested in, and how best to position your company when pitching their funds. Panelists will also highlight some emerging trends and case studies they’re seeing in the funding sector, from engineered-bio to biotech.


Date: Wednesday, August 30th, 2023    

Time: 11:00AM-12:15PM (ET), including Q&A (8 AM to 9:15 in AZ)


Kimberly Ha, Founder & CEO, KKH Advisors


Jory Bell, General Partner, Playground Global

Jakob Dupont, MD, Executive Partner, Sofinnova Investments

Julia Moore, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Breakout Ventures

Dennis Purcell, Founder, Aisling Capital

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