Patient Celebrates 10 Years Since SynCardia’s Total Artificial Heart

SynCardia Systems, LLC., a Picard Medical Company, proudly commemorates Steve William’s remarkable 10-year journey since receiving a SynCardia Total Artificial Heart (STAH). Steve underwent the STAH implantation procedure on April 17, 2014.
Suffering from left ventricular hypertrophy and cardiomyopathy, Steve’s health began to decline, impacting his beloved hobbies of tennis and golf. As his condition worsened, his lungs filled with fluid hindering his daily routine. On April 17, 2014, Steve underwent the STAH implantation, followed by a successful heart transplant a year later.

“April 17, 2024 is my 10-year anniversary of the STAH. Thank you to the donor, doctors, nurses, SynCardia, and friends and family,” commented Steve Williams.

SynCardia Systems, LLC. is a leader in the development of total artificial hearts. The Company markets and sells the SynCardia Total Artificial Heart, which is the only US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Health Canada approved artificial heart. As of last year, the Company has implanted 2,080 SynCardia Total Artificial Hearts, including over 100 of the 50cc SynCardia Total Artificial Heart designed for smaller patients. For more information about SynCardia and its Total Artificial Heart technology, please visit


Posted in AZBio News.