MSDx, A Pioneering Diagnostics Company, Receives Grant to Advance Technology

The Arizona Center for Innovation (AzCI) is pleased to announce that the Flinn Foundation has selected MSDx, Inc. to receive grant funding and program services through the Foundation’s 2013 Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program.  MSDx is a personalized medicine diagnostics company developing blood test products for monitoring disease activity in neurological disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  The Foundation funding will be used to support further development of the MSDx blood testing technology.

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The Power in Showing Up

Last week on January 18th, I had the opportunity to join our Arizona Bioscience Community for the celebration and dedication of expanded facilities at the Arizona Center for Innovation at the U of A Tech Park in Tucson.  It was wonderful to see industry leaders and partners from across the State  of Arizona take the time to connect and celebrate this new milestone in AzCI’s growth and to learn about the companies that are supported and make a home there.  Together they are building businesses, creating  jobs, and launching technologies  that will lead to new innovations.  It all starts when we choose to show up.Continue reading