Help AZ develop a 21st Century Workforce

To address the current and future needs to develop a 21st Century Workforce, Arizona State University is teaming with the Maricopa Community Colleges and other 2-year schools in Arizona to establish educational programs that would supply the state’s industry with technicians or engineering assistants having specific high technology skills and knowledge.


As an industry, out  inputs towards the design of these programs are important, so we are surveying technology companies to learn more about skill sets that your firm will require in technicians or engineering assistants (both now and in the future).  In this survey, the skill sets being addressed pertain to micro- or nano-scale technologies used in manufacturing as well as research and development.


Survey link:


The survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete, and is designed for technical supervisory or management personnel.  Your participation is very much appreciated.  If you feel a colleague within your company is the more appropriate person to respond to this survey, please kindly forward this message.  It is also possible that some companies will receive more than one request due to different points of contact in the various databases we used to compile our mailing list.  We apologize for the duplication if that occurs.


Information obtained from each company will be held in the strictest confidence, and survey results will only be described in the aggregate.  If you have any questions, please contact:


Dr. Mangala Joshua Dr. Ray Tsui
Mesa Community College Arizona State University
480-461-7053 480-206-4736


Posted in AZBio News, Opportunities.