What Makes a Donor Heart Available for Transplant Was Almost a ‘Deal Breaker’ for Pastor Who Needed One to Save His Life

Jim LaFontaine, who received a donor heart six months earlier, and wife, Julie, encourage organ donations as grand marshals of the 2014 Gloucester, Massachusetts Santa Parade. Jim was supported by the SynCardia Total Artificial Heart powered by the Freedom® portable driver for four months before his heart transplant.
A Massachusetts pastor supported by the SynCardia Total Artificial Heart
for four months vows to live a life worthy of the person whose heart donation
gave him a second chance at life.
Jim LaFontaine tries to live a life worthy of the person who donated the heart that gave the Essex, Massachusetts resident a second chance at life after he received a SynCardia temporary Total Artificial Heart implant that bridged him to that donor heart.
LaFontaine, 57, admits that while waiting for that matching donor heart, he struggled with the concept of receiving one.
“It was almost a deal breaker when I realized what someone had to do to for me to receive a donor heart,” says LaFontaine, a pastor at Emmanuel Community Church in Essex. “For me to receive a human heart means that someone is going to die. I can never in good conscious wish for a heart to come in.
“If the SynCardia Heart wasn’t just a bridge to transplant, if it was the destination, I think I would have considered just having a mechanical heart.”
When LaFontaine was 30 years old, a routine physical exam revealed a heart murmur. Eventually a cardiologist discovered that he was born with a bicuspid aortic valve, a condition that lessens the amount of blood flow to his entire body.
An aortic valve replacement and medications in 1991 stabilized his condition. Eighteen years later he developed ventricular tachycardia, a rapid and irregular heartbeat, for which he received a pacemaker and defibrillator.
LaFontaine’s heart weakened and in late 2012 he experienced severe breathing problems. “I felt like I was walking at the bottom of a pool underwater,” he says. “By that time, I thought, ‘I can’t live like this.’
“I used to dread going to bed because I couldn’t breathe and I had to get up so I could get more air into my lungs. It was a terrible feeling.”
In November 2012, he was admitted to a Salem, Massachusetts hospital and a few days later was transferred to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
LaFontaine didn’t respond to heart medication and doctors determined his two heart ventricles needed replacement. That’s when surgeons asked him to consider a SynCardia Total Artificial Heart implant.
Similar to a heart transplant, the SynCardia Total Artificial Heart replaces the native heart’s two failed ventricles and the four heart valves. It is the only approved device in use that eliminates the source of end-stage biventricular heart failure, a condition in which the native heart can no longer pump enough blood for the patient to survive.
LaFontaine relied on his faith to help him make a decision. “You have those discussions with God,” he says, “and ask the question, ‘Am I ready?’ Well, I’m as ready as I’m ever gonna be.”
Read more of Jim’s Story on SynCardia.com
About the SynCardia temporary Total Artificial Heart
SynCardia Systems, Inc. in Tucson, Arizona is a medical technology company focused on developing, manufacturing and commercializing the SynCardia temporary Total Artificial Heart (TAH-t). The SynCardia TAH-t is an implantable system designed to assume the full function of a failed human heart in patients suffering from end-stage biventricular (both sides) heart failure.
The SynCardia TAH-t is the only total artificial heart that is commercially available in the United States, European Union and Canada for use as a bridge to donor heart transplantation.
More than 1,475 implants of the SynCardia TAH-t account for over 480 patient years of life on the device. Since January 2010 more than 600 SynCardia TAH-ts have been implanted.
The youngest patient to receive a SynCardia TAH-t was 9 years old; the oldest was 80 years old. The longest a patient has lived with a SynCardia TAH-t before receiving a successful donor heart transplant was nearly four years (1,374 days).
SynCardia Systems also manufactures the Freedom® portable driver, which powers the SynCardia TAH-t while allowing clinically stable patients to be discharged from the hospital and live at home and in their communities. The Freedom® portable driver has been used by more than 235 patients, accounting for over 160 patient years of support.
Media Contact:
Don Isaacs
Vice President of Communications
SynCardia Systems, Inc.
Cell: (520) 955-0660