First Things First

In an industry like ours, doing things in the right order matters.  It does not matter of you are working in the lab, biz dev or the front office.  When you forget to put first things first you might not get the outcome you expect…or need.

At AZBio we have been investing our time in research.  For us that means getting out of the office and into the  community to talk to Members, create opportunities to connect and to listen to what they have to say.  Whether we are are in one-on-one visits to Members and their companies, meetings at the GPEC, The Desert Angels or BCLSA or hanging out with the AZBio Gang at Beer and Bio, we’ve been asking questions and gathering data on what you, our members want and need.   So far this research has led to some new developments and there are a lot more coming,  Here are FIVE important things you said…

  1. You need to be connected and you want AZBio to help.
  2. You want to be kept up to date and informed about what is happening in our community inside Arizona and outside too.
  3. You want us to speak up when it matters
  4. You want exposure to great ideas, great connections, great opportunities.
  5. You want access to the resources you need to grow your bioscience business.

Here is what we are doing about it…

Beer and Bio 05 31 2011 Phx 031 More Connections

The best way to make better connections is to do it face to face.  That is why we have taken a fun locations too.  Our May 31st event at Rula Bula in Tempe was great with over 30 folks from a wide range of industries and interests.  (Photos on Facebook) Two more get togethers are already scheduled in Southern AZ on June 16th and Central AZ on June 21st and a third is in the works for Northern AZ too.  Thanks to the team at the AZBio Events Committee we will soon have regular monthly opportunities to get and stay connected.

But getting connected is more than just a drink after work.  Your events committee is hard a t work to make the AZBio Awards Dinner and AZBioEXPO the best one yet.  Be sure to save the Dates – October 13 – 14, 2011 for a great celebration, exciting speakers, informative panel discussions,sessions highlighting what matters most in BioBusiness and BioScience as well as highlight from what’s happening around the state of Arizona and of course…lots of connections.

You want to be kept in the loop

Staying on top of what is happening is a full time job.  Thank goodness for our team and the AZBio MarCom Committee.  They are hard at work on new communications tools to help Keep you connected to  key information.  Be sure you are getting…and reading IN THE LOOP, the AZBio newsletter will be hitting your inbox each Monday with a listing of what’s up and what’s happening.  If email is too ‘old school” for you no worries.  Get Social and follow along on Twitter @AZBio and @AZbioCEO, join over 800 members of the AZBio Linked in group and engage in discussion, check out the AZBio page on Facebook for updates.

Speaking up when it matters

Upstream Consulting Logo

Speaking up when it matters makes a difference. But again you need to do your research and know what you are talking about if you are going to make an impact.  Lucky for us we have great partners in BIO as well as the AZBio Government Affairs Committee to keep us connected to key information.  Now we have gone to the next level with the help of  the team at  Upstream Consulting on the advocacy front here in AZ.   BIO provides access to the information we need inside the Beltway  and Upstream and the Government Affairs committee have us  covered locally so that we can Monitor what is happenings, Educate on the issues, and Inform our members and our key government partners on what is needed to move our community forward faster.

Exposure to Great Ideas and Access to Resources

Blog and Resource Library LogoStay tuned for monthly opportunities  to attend AZBio Educational sessions in North/Central/South and for the latest updates of who will be coming to the AZBIO EXPO in October.  Members from across the state are stepping up to gather valuable information that can be added to the AZBIO Blog and Resource Libraries.  Thought leaders are offering to teach classes and work shops, and the AZBio Events and Education Committee as well as the AZBio HR Council are starting to plan schedules for events between now and the end of the year.  Be sure to stay tuned to IN THE LOOK and the AZBio Events Calendar for the latest.

We are getting things in the right order at AZBio

We’re doing our research, moving into development and soon we will be on our way.  Won’t you join us on the journey.  There are lots of ways to connect, engage and collaborate with AZBio.  Which one is right  for you?

About AZBio

AZBio – The Arizona BioIndustry Association

Business + BioScience for a Better Arizona

AZBio is comprised of member organizations in business, research, government, and other professions involved in biosciences.

The Mission of AZBio:

To serve our Members, both as organizations and as individuals, by providing access to the key resources, connections, and information that support their ability to Connect, Collaborate, Innovate and Succeed thus supporting the growth of a thriving economic ecosystem for Arizona’s Bioscience Industry.

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