The Tomorrow Project Comes to Biodesign


Intel’s Tomorrow Project asks… What kind of future are you imagining? What kind of future do you want to live in? What future do you want to avoid?  

Through conversations about the future, can we make that future better?  The Tomorrow Project sets forth that “if we want to imagine a better future and then build it then we need to change the story we are telling ourselves about the future we want to live in.”

In the videos below, Intel Futurist Brian David Johnson visits with thought leaders at The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University to explore the possibilities for shaping health, science and a better tomorrow…

(To learn more about The Tomorrow Project, Click Here.)


Biodesign, Biosignatures and Sensorbots with Deirdre Meldrum

Brian David Johnson talks to Deirdre Meldrum — ASU Senior Scientist, Director of the Center for Biosignatures Discovery Automation in the Biodesign Institute at ASU, and Professor of Electrical Engineering – about transforming healthcare by detecting diseases before any symptoms appear. For instance, detecting lung cancer before a CT image would.  Other topics include the development of Sensorbots monitoring biogeochemical processes in the ocean.

Biodesign, Science, and Stories of Possible Futures – a Conversation with Michael Birt

Intel futurist, Brian David Johnson talks with Michael Birt to contemplate a future in which people have a greater degree of personal control over predicting and preventing disease. Michael is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Health and Interim Co-director at Arizona State University’s Biodesign Institute – and author of a medical thriller set in Japan.

Moving Up The Ranks

Over the last decade, Arizona’s bioscience sector has made amazing progress in building foundational infrastructure for research and discovery in the life science sector.  This next decade of focused collaboration is  our opportunity to move up the ranks and along the path from Discovery to Development to Delivery. Continue reading